Python CRUD Project
Hospital Database
A project or capstone about python programming fundamental, I developed a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) system for hospital administration. Create, This function allows the addition of new patient records to the system. Read, This purposed is to enable retrieval of existing patient data. It can retrieve all patient records or display information for a specific patient. Update, This facilitates modifications to existing patient data, such as updating their status or discharge date. While Delete, it removes patient records from the hospital database system.
Below is a brief showcase of a CRUD system. The database columns include key ID, patient name, generic patient information, treatment, entry and discharge dates, and doctor category.
Additionally, I have added a new feature called authority access, also known as the "fifth feature." This feature caters to two roles: hospital superadmin and doctors. It includes an entry password for both superadmin and doctors to enhance security.
For the Superadmin Role, they can delete the entire database with verification (this action requires confirmation to prevent accidental data loss). They can modify doctor category information such as specialties or categories. They can generate monthly reports summarizing patient admissions, discharges, and bed occupancy for a given month. Here's an example of the monthly report generated.
For the Doctor Role, it can print the medical letter report for patient needs. The report contains patient personal information, illness details, entry date, and discharge date. The medical letter report is reviewed and signed by the treating doctor as shown below this.
For more information (the python code itself) visit the link below
Github Link